TD Eight and Invest 91L

Tropical Depression Eight

Tropical Depression Eight formed this morning with winds at 35 mph. Right now the depression is over warmer waters with low shear but will have to overcome dry mid-levels in order for more strengthening over the next 24 hours. After that shear becomes stronger and strengthening will not longer occur. There is a small chance TD Eight could become Tropical Storm Gert before reaching an unfavorable environment on Monday.

TD Eight will travel north-northwestward to northward around the western side of the subtropical ridge leading to a track that will keep it well off the east coast.


Invest 91L

Invest 91L currently in the eastern Atlantic will be the next system to monitor this week as it crosses the Atlantic. It will remain as a tropical wave over the next couple days with a 20% chance of formation over the next five days. During this time dry air and shear will be the limiting factors in the development of the system. Models do indicate that this storm could potentially become a tropical cyclone by next week but I won’t touch on that subject on a forecast that is longer than a week out. I will keep monitoring the system throughout the week and update my thoughts on Invest 91L.


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