Coastal Storm Set to Hit East Coast November 26, 2014
The stage is all set for a strong coastal low that will travel up the east coast on what might be the busiest traveling day of the year. This storm looks to bring several inches of snow to much of the northeastern CONUS by Thursday morning. Here in ENC the conditions won’t be a treacherous as out northern neighbors but will create wet roads for traveling.At this time a weak surface low and a quasi-stationary front reside over ENC bringing scattered rain to most of ENC. This pattern will continue over the next couple of hours. By 8:00 or 9:00 PM EST, heavy showers and some thunderstorms will begin to move into ENC which will persist throughout the night.
By early morning, the surface low will be traveling over the Outer Banks of North Carolina. After the surface low’s passing, the atmosphere will begin to dry and the rain will end from southwest to northeast. Most of the rain will have exited or just about to exit ENC by mid-afternoon. Rainfall totals will range greatly depending on your location. Areas in the eastern half of ENC will see the greatest total (anywhere between 1.00″ – 3.00″ with locally heavier amounts) where the greatest lift will be (omega <= -6mb/sec at 90%!).
Mostly cloudy to cloudy conditions should persist through the rest of the day Wednesday and Wednesday night as mid to upper-level shortwave passes over the region on Thursday.
High pressure builds back into the region on Friday and will remain in place through the weekend with high temperatures reaching the mid 50s by Saturday and mid 60s by Sunday.
The good news is ENC misses a big wintry mess though probably no comfort to those who have to travel north.